For this week's module 6: Microblogging in Education: Twitter, I have learned a lot about why it is important and there are many ways to use microblogging in the classroom. I chose two relevant articles about the potential for microblogging in education. The first article I chose to read was called, 6 Best Twitter Tips Every Teacher Should Know About and the second article I chose to read was called, Great Twitter Tools for Your Professional Development. I also would like to address my own thoughts on how I might use microblogs for my own professional development with teaching.
The first article, 6 Best Twitter Tips Every Teacher Should Know About gave some great examples of 6 different ways a person can practice using Twitter. These tips included the following: 1.) Maintain Visibility, 2.) Rally Up Support, 3.) Show Your Fans Some Twitter Love, 4.) Share Unique Content, 5.) Tweet What You See When and Where You See it, and 6.) Be as Concise as Possible in Your Wording and and Length. I found it also interesting that there is a high percentage of 57% of all retweets that included a link within them. These tips are helpful and I feel more knowledgeable with knowing these various tips and I will keep them in mind in the near future with teaching in my own classroom someday.
The second article, Great Twitter Tools for Your Professional Development is another article that I found to be the most interesting on the list of great articles. This article discusses the use of Twitter and that it is a great social networking tool that has the potential in education as well. It can reach it's potential by: using the series of posts on the site that include web tools and by providing good tips for educators to use in their teaching. This article also includes a list of 7 twitter tools such as: TwitTV, You Twit, and Tweet in Sight (to name a few out of the 7 tips). Out of the 7 twitter tools, I really enjoyed viewing, YouTwit. This twitter tool is a great site where a viewer can look at the trending videos via YouTube. I will most likely be using these twitter tools in my professional development of education and within the classroom someday.